Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gossip Girl

I wonder how gossip started. You think in the Garden of Eden, the snake told Eve not to tell anyone that he gave her the apple and she just couldn't stand it and had to tell Adam?  That's what I'm going with on where that all started.

It's funny when you hear gossip. You know you shouldn't listen to it, but its like chocolate to a woman. Don't flash something in our face like know we will take the bate! I guess its the spreading it part where it gets tricky. Kind of like the game you've all played where you say a sentence and pass it along. By the end of the game it went from "Susie went to the candy store" to Sushi makes Sandy a whore."

Can you really hold something in for, I don't know, ever? Do you tell your spouse or does the secret go in the vault? It's a tough one and it will always be a thing. Do I have gossip? Of course I do, I work in a department of's all over the place! Does anyone hear it from me? Nope. (At least I try super duper hard not to be that person, lol). I value being someone that people can trust with what they say, hence why I originally went to school for Psychology.

What's your philosophy on gossip? Ooey Gooey Good or Stop The Insanity?


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